Life Extension
Fish oil - Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA
Fish oil - Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA
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Super Omega-3 - Fish Oil. Food Supplement.
Fish Oil, Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA, with Sesame Fiber and Olive Extract is full of essential fatty acids that our body needs to support brain function and a healthy body's response to inflammation.
1 serving = 2 capsules x 2 times a day = 4g of Pure+™ wild fish oil concentrate, which contains 1.4g of EPA and 1g of DHA fatty acids.
Price per month:
37.49 Eur / 30* servings in a bottle = 1.24 Eur per day
1.24 Eur x 30 days = 37.49 Eur per month
*Following the manufacturer's recommendation, taking two servings (four capsules in total) per day.
- Moderately reduces triglycerides (15-30%)
- Helps control inflammatory processes
- May help lower blood pressure in hypertension
- Can lift mood in depression
- May improve brain function and overall health
- Has the potential to improve cardiovascular health
- EPA and DHA fatty acids help maintain normal heart function
- DHA helps maintain normal brain function*
- DHA helps maintain normal vision*
*positive effects are achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA.
Science Behind :
Omega-3 fatty acids are called essential amino acids. They are necessary for our health, but must be obtained from food or supplements, because the body does not produce them.
Fish oil supplements contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids - docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
The fatty acids EPA and DHA are involved in the regulation of various biological processes, such as the body's response to inflammation, various metabolic signaling pathways, and brain function.
Research shows that DHA acts as an essential brain tissue lipid that helps maintain brain structure and function, while EPA has anti-inflammatory effects that may protect the brain from aging.
Given that the majority of the population is deficient in EPA and DHA, taking a daily marine omega-3 supplement may be the most cost-effective way to support brain health and mood, according to the researchers.
Why Sesame Lignans & Olive Extract:
Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA with Sesame Fiber and Olive Extract is a pure, fresh fish oil made from South Pacific anchovies.
Studies show that the combination of fish oil and olives can enhance the effect compared to a placebo or fish oil alone (without additional compounds). And sesame fibers increase the stability of DHA fatty acid.
Made to Order: Quality Supplements & Vitamins, Inc., USA
Importer: Life Extension Europe BV, The Netherlands
How to use:
Take two softgels twice daily (4,000 mg EPA+DHA) as directed by the manufacturer.
Fish oil is fine to take at any time of the day, but to avoid a fishy aftertaste, take these supplements with food.
It is important to mention that The American Heart Association recommends 1000 mg per day. However, there is a growing body of research showing that higher doses are safe and effective, and to get the full benefits of omega-3s, you should consume at least 2,000 mg of EPA+DHA per day.
Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place, out of the reach of children.
Refined fish oil concentrate, gelatin, glycerol, olive oil, olive extract, beeswax, silicon dioxide, olive leaf extract, lecithins, sesame seed extract, sesame seed powder, antioxidants (rosemary extracts).
120 capsules
Product Testing:
Life Extension Super Omega-3 supplements are top rated and certified by IFOS ™ (International Fish Oil Standard).
Omega-3 products are tested to IFOS™ program quality and purity standards administered by Nutrasource Diagnostics, Inc. You can check the results of your product batch here - IFOS Testing Results .

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