
NMN: Nauda, Dozavimas ir Kontraversijos
Mokslininkai jau kurį laiką tirinėja daug žadančią NMN naudą įvairiems sveikatos aspektams, nuo ilgesnės gyvenimo trukmės iki smegenų sveikatos ir miego.
NMN: Nauda, Dozavimas ir Kontraversijos
Mokslininkai jau kurį laiką tirinėja daug žadančią NMN naudą įvairiems sveikatos aspektams, nuo ilgesnės gyvenimo trukmės iki smegenų sveikatos ir miego.

Gilus Poilsis Nemiegant (Non-Sleep Deep Rest (N...
Ką bendro turi Google CEO Sundar Pichai ir neuromokslininkas Andrew Huberman? Abu jie praktikuoja NSDR! Internetas šurmuliuoja nuo naujos, energiją atstatančios, praktikos - NSDR (non-sleep deep rest). Gilus poilsis...
Gilus Poilsis Nemiegant (Non-Sleep Deep Rest (N...
Ką bendro turi Google CEO Sundar Pichai ir neuromokslininkas Andrew Huberman? Abu jie praktikuoja NSDR! Internetas šurmuliuoja nuo naujos, energiją atstatančios, praktikos - NSDR (non-sleep deep rest). Gilus poilsis...

Nutrition, fluid intake and supplements to impr...
A. Huberman's and A. Galpin's conversation about optimal nutrition, and the use of liquids and supplements for better sports results. Scientists discuss how dehydration interferes with physical and mental performance,...
Nutrition, fluid intake and supplements to impr...
A. Huberman's and A. Galpin's conversation about optimal nutrition, and the use of liquids and supplements for better sports results. Scientists discuss how dehydration interferes with physical and mental performance,...

Sauna and Its Effects on Aging and the Brain
A growing number of studies show that sauna bathing is associated with many health benefits and can be used as a means of preventing the effects of aging
Sauna and Its Effects on Aging and the Brain
A growing number of studies show that sauna bathing is associated with many health benefits and can be used as a means of preventing the effects of aging

Creatine for Mental Performance and Emotional H...
Studies have shown that creatine supplements can improve cognitive function, memory, and even protect against age-related decline in mental performance.
Creatine for Mental Performance and Emotional H...
Studies have shown that creatine supplements can improve cognitive function, memory, and even protect against age-related decline in mental performance.

18 Again, Only For 2 Million Dollars?
45-year-old Bryan Johnson and his team of 30 doctors believe they can rejuvenate his body. They are determined not only to stop the aging process, but also to return all...
18 Again, Only For 2 Million Dollars?
45-year-old Bryan Johnson and his team of 30 doctors believe they can rejuvenate his body. They are determined not only to stop the aging process, but also to return all...