Set for Sleep Quality
Set for Sleep Quality
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Science-backed and Dr. Andrew Huberman recommended supplements for better sleep quality.
These supplements have different benefits to help you fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.
Inositol (900 mg dose) - May shorten the time it takes you to fall back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night. Inositol supplements can improve overall sleep quality, subjective sleep quality (how you think you slept), and sleep duration.
L-Theanine (100-400 mg dose) - May be helpful in helping you fall asleep faster. In the studies, there was a clear improvement in sleep quality compared to the placebo group, and participants reported feeling more refreshed and restored.
Magnesium L-Threonate - Due to its sedative effect, magnesium l-threonate has the potential to improve sleep quality and may cause mild drowsiness. Many people using this supplement report that the 'transition' to sleep is faster and the sleep itself is much deeper.
In order to find out which of the ingredients is the most suitable for you, A. Huberman recommends planning an experiment and trying these supplements separately. Try not to change anything in your normal routine and take Magnesium L-Threonate with Inositol one week and L-Theanine the next. If you don't feel a difference with one combination, try using them all together.
Take as recommended 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

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Kiekvienas situacija yra individuali, tad prieš pradedant vartoti naujus vitaminus ir/ar maisto papildus visuomet verta pasitarti su gydytoju, vaistininku ar mitybos specialistu.